Respond to various requests for collision and traffic volume information.Investigate and recommend technological improvements to enhance programs.Implement and administer open data portals related to collision and traffic count data.Manipulates, retrieves and manages data using TES, Microsoft Excel, Access, ArcGIS and other mapping (GIS) software.Develop, utilize, maintain and/or oversee traffic data collection for Traffic Count Program.Prepare and conduct statistical and descriptive collision analysis to support the city’s safety programs and other projects.Produce reports and research notes that improve quantitative knowledge of the causes and results of motor vehicle collisions using descriptive data techniques to support the city’s safety programs and other project.
Utilize ArcGIS and other data management tools to update and maintain TES infrastructure, traffic, and collision data.

Import MVC reports and traffic studies into the Traffic Engineering Software (TES) database.Audit and input motor vehicle collision (MVC) reports to the Traffic Engineering Software (TES) database and analysis program by reading, interpreting and clarifying information provided on reports, checking for coherency and completeness of information, determining and verifying point of impact.Prepare collision summaries, statistical analysis reports, custom interactive mapping and other presentation devices. Assist others in identifying relationships and trends in traffic and collision data use techniques to display results of analyses review data for accuracy, quality, and completeness and utilize multiple strategies to integrate safety data and analysis into transportation decision-making processes. Software (TES, collision database program),, Geographical Information System (GIS), ArcGIS and other database and web-mapping tools to create, maintain and update databases of motor vehicle collision reports and traffic count program. Reporting to the Project Manager of Traffic Services utilize the Traffic Engineering Position: Traffic Roadway Safety Database Technologist (Click for full posting) Wednesday, Mais School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day in Ontario.Book 7 Training – Participant Information.