This in turn makes the E-liter a relatively safe weapon that can still exert its presence over the entire stage, even just by threatening the opponent with its line-of-sight marker. The map design of Splatoon 3, which tends to feature less cover and flank routes than previous games, can make it very difficult to successfully disrupt or threaten the weapon, almost requiring the use of a special to do so.

In spite of these flaws, the E-liter 4K can dominate the battlefield thanks to its superior range, allowing it to cover the entirety of the battlefield while mostly ignoring retaliation from other backline weapons, which it simply outranges. This Charger boasts the highest range of its weapon class (and of every weapon in general), which is compensated by its high ink consumption, slow charge speed and poor mobility. The E-liter 4K is the longest range weapon Splatoon 3 has to offer, and it certainly puts that range to good use. The Sloshing Machine simply ends up being one of the best all-around weapons you could use something like a regular Slosher to achieve similar results, but the excellent combination of range, damage, and area control the Sloshing Machine boasts makes it nearly-uncontested in any of the categories it might compete in. Its ability to simply deny an area from enemy control is very valuable, and it can even be used to funnel enemies into specific locations by tossing the bomb behind them, allowing your team to follow up while your opponents are still on the back foot. Its special weapon, Booyah Bomb, is also excellent, being one of the strongest specials in the game with lots of utility. Such efficient damage combos between main and sub weapons tend to be very rare in Splatoon, and their presence here only adds to the Sloshing Machine’s great ability to follow-up on its Fizzy Bomb and eliminate enemy players. To be specific, an indirect hit with a Fizzy Bomb will splat an opponent when combined with a direct hit from a Sloshing Machine, and two indirect hits from a Fizzy Bomb will also splat an opponent if they’re tagged by an indirect hit from the Sloshing Machine. Fizzy Bombs are the perfect sub weapon for it, providing great area denial due to their range and multiple explosions, as well as comboing with the damage dealt by the Sloshing Machine itself. The Sloshing Machine also has a fantastic kit, arguably the best it could ask for. That last point is especially useful since it allows the Sloshing Machine to threaten backline weapons like Chargers or Splatlings by poking at them while avoiding their sightlines. The weapon itself is solid, boasting high damage, good range, and the ability to hit enemies over ledges and behind cover. One of the main and best weapons dominating the competitive scene, the Sloshing Machine is a fantastic weapon in Splatoon 3.